Terms of Use

Last Updated on 25/09/2020

Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting www.lockeralliance.net (hereinafter the “Website”).


  1. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY. By accessing the Website, any pages thereof and / or by using the online services, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use below, do not access this Website, or any of the pages or and / or use the online services.
  2. In case of any violation of these Terms of Use, IMDA reserves the right to seek all remedies available by law and in equity for such violations. These Terms of Use apply to all visits to this Website, both now and in the future.
  3. IMDA reserves the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time at its sole discretion. All changes will be posted on this page, and your use of this Website after such changes have been posted will constitute your agreement to the modified Terms of Use and all of the changes. You should therefore read this page carefully each time you visit this Website.

Proprietary Rights

  1. This Website is the official Locker Alliance network website. It is owned by Info-communication Media Development Authority (hereinafter " IMDA”) and operated by the Parcel Perform (hereinafter "PP"). IMDA reserves the right to update or modify this Website from time to time.
  2. The materials located on this Website, including but not limited to the information, text, images, photographs, video, graphics as well as any software programs available on or through this Website ("the Contents"), are protected by copyright, trademark and other forms of proprietary rights. All rights, title and interest in the Contents are owned by, licensed to or controlled by IMDA.
  3. No licence or right is granted to you and your access to this Website and/or use of the online tools and services should not be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any licence or right to use any of the Contents without the prior written consent of IMDA or the relevant third party owner of the proprietary right thereof.

Privacy Policy

  1. Click here to review this Website’s Privacy Policy.

Restrictions on Use of Information and Materials

  1. Except as otherwise provided, the Contents of this Website shall not be reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, stored, adapted, displayed, altered or otherwise used in whole or in part in any manner, without the prior written consent of IMDA.
  2. You may use, copy and distribute the Contents found on this Website solely for personal, internal, non-commercial and/or informational purposes only. You may download one copy of any information provided on this Website onto a computer for your own personal and non-commercial use provided that you keep intact all accompanying copyright and other proprietary notices. You must not display, distribute or otherwise use any of the Contents found on this Website for any commercial purpose unless you receive specific prior written consent from IMDA.
  3. Modification of any of the Contents or use of the Contents for any other purpose will be a violation of IMDA's copyright and other intellectual property rights. Graphics and images on this Website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without the prior written consent of their respective copyright owners.
  4. The design and layout of this Website is protected by intellectual property and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound, image or search engine from this Website may be copied or transmitted for commercial purpose (including where the commercial aspect forms only part of the purpose) unless you receive prior written consent from IMDA.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

  1. The Contents of this Website are provided on an "as is" and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind, and are of a general nature. The Contents are made available for your general information only. While every effort is made to ensure that the Contents herein are consistent with existing law and practice, you are advised to refer to the relevant legislation to be certain of your legal entitlements and obligations and should seek professional advice at all times before making any decision based on any such information or materials. Neither IMDA nor any third party content providers is responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of the information and material in this Website or the tools contained in this Website.
  2. Neither IMDA nor any third party content providers’ warrants:
    a) the truth, accuracy, adequacy, reliability, completeness, reasonableness, currency or timeliness, of the Contents contained in or accessed through this Website and expressly disclaims liability for any errors in or omissions from, the Contents of the Website; and
    b) that the Contents available through this Website or any functions associated therewith will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that this Website and the server is and will be free of all viruses and/or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro.
  3. No warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory (including but not limited to, warranties of title, merchantability, satisfactory quality, non-infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus), is given in conjunction with the Contents of this Website, the tools contained in this Website or this Website in general.
  4. In no event shall IMDA or any third party content providers be liable for damages, expenses, costs or loss of any kind (including without limitation any direct, or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, loss of profits or loss opportunity) howsoever caused as a result (direct or indirect) of, or in connection with, your use of this Website, or reliance on any information, materials, tools or online services provided in or available from this Website, regardless of the form of action.
  5. Under no circumstances shall IMDA or any third party content providers be liable for any failure of performance, system, server or connection failure, interruption, defect, error, omission, delay in operation or transmission, breach of security, malicious code, computer virus or inability or unavailability to use or access in connection with your accessing this Website, tools, and / or online services even if IMDA or the third party content providers had been advised as to the possibility of the above.

Right of Access

  1. IMDA reserves all rights to deny or restrict access to this Website to any particular person, or to block access from a particular Internet address to this Website, at any time, without having to give any reason or prior notice thereof.
  2. You agree that you will not:
    a) use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy any pages other than for non-commercial purpose within this Website or the Contents without IMDA's prior written permission;
    b) use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this Website; and / or
    c) take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on IMDA's servers.

Hyperlinks to Third Party Sites

  1. This Website contains hyperlinks to websites which are not maintained nor controlled by IMDA. IMDA shall not be responsible for the contents of those websites and shall not be liable for any damages or loss arising from access to those websites. Use of the hyperlinks and access to such websites are entirely at your own risk.
  2. All hyperlinks to other websites are provided as a convenience to you as a user of this Website. The inclusion of any hyperlink does not imply endorsement by IMDA of such websites. In no circumstances shall IMDA be considered to be associated or affiliated in whatever manner with any trade or service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on websites to which this Website is linked.

Hyperlinks to This Website from Other Websites

  1. Except as set forth below, caching and links to, and the framing of this Website or any of the Contents are prohibited.
  2. Linking to the Homepage: You may link to the Homepage of this Website, upon notifying IMDA in writing.
  3. Hyperlinking to an internal page of this Website: You must make a specific request for, and secure permission from IMDA prior to hyperlinking to, or framing, this Website or any of the Contents, or engaging in similar activities. IMDA reserves the right to impose conditions when permitting any hyperlinking to, or framing of this Website or any of the Contents.
  4. Your linking to, or your framing of this Website or any of the Contents constitute acceptance of these Terms of Use. This is deemed to be the case even after the posting of any changes or modifications to these Terms of Use. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you must discontinue linking to, or framing of this Website or any of the Contents.
  5. Under no circumstances shall IMDA be considered to be associated or affiliated in any manner with any trade or service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on websites that link to this Website or any of the Contents.
  6. IMDA reserves all rights to disable any links to, or frames of any site containing inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topics, names, material or information, or material or information that violates any written law, any applicable intellectual property, proprietary, privacy or publicity rights.
  7. IMDA reserves the right to disable any unauthorized links or frames and disclaims any responsibility for the contents available on any other website reached by links to or from this Website or any of the Contents.
  8. IMDA reserves the right to amend or change the URL of this Website. Under no circumstances is IMDA obliged to inform or give prior notice to third parties who had hyperlinked to this Website about the amendment or change of this Website's URL.

Additional Terms

  1. These Terms of Use shall not limit any specific provisions set out in the individual terms and conditions of particular tools and services offered on or through this Website.

Governing Law

  1. These Terms of Use shall be governed and construed in accordance with laws of the Republic of Singapore.


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